Monday, January 15, 2007

Taming Car Insurance Costs: 90% Of Accidents Can Be Avoided

Avoiding accidents is still the best way of ensuring that your car insurance cost will remain low and contrary to popular belief, most accidents can be avoided.

Research has proved that 90% of all accidents that occur can be avoided and one just requires to be careful at all times on the road.

It has also been proved that most accidents are as a result of intersection errors which accounts for over 65% of urban accidents hence one needs to look around carefully at all intersections and proceed with caution.

Close concentration should be maintained at all times on your driving , other drivers and pedestrians not to mention being aware of the driving conditions.

Another useful tip usually taken for granted yet it can minimize the occurrence of accidents is always checking your speed and maintain that many feet in distance between your car and that immediately ahead of you.

Good car maintenance is perhaps the most effective way of minimizing accidents and regular checkups, especially of brakes, tires and wiper fluid is prudent as vehicle malfunction also contributes to accidents.

The best way of checking your car insurance cost is by avoiding accidents and having a good driving record by following these simple rules which are often overlooked or ignored with serious and sometimes fatal consequences.

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