For those who regularly renew their car insurances annually, chances are that they have on many occasions left money on the table by simply being unaware of certain discounts. Or by not asking their brokers whether they are available little known discounts that they do not know about but which they may qualify for. That simple question can open the doors to substantial savings.
The home truth is that there are in fact plenty of discounts which most car insurance companies offer that very few people seem to be aware of. And again the vagaries of modern living have made many people have impatient tendencies even when transacting important business.
A fine example is the multi-policy discount which is the reduced rate given to drivers who also have other kinds of insurance with the same company. They could have for instance insured their homes or property.
There are also other less obvious but substantial car insurance discounts like the one given for insuring multiple vehicles. It is common sense to put all your business with one company rather than try to spread the risk with many different insurance companies, as you will qualify for a major discount in premiums. Admittedly it can be quite a challenge finding one insurance company that can give you a good deal for all your insurance needs and you are more likely to get a better deal from a specialist. However finding a single perfect-for-most-of-your-needs-insurer is not impossible. It will just take a lot of work and patience on your side.
Other discounts available are for instance, age, abstainers from alcohol, drivers' education, anti theft devices and distance to college car insurance discounts (which usually applies to students) among others.
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